Story Behind Pickle Pickle

And now, the story I'm sure you've all been waiting for. The story behind the name Pickle Pickle.

When I was a kid, my Poppa and I would ride together to our family beach trip every year. Everyone else drove in separate cars but we rode together in the van pulling the Airstream camper. We would get bored and so we came up with a game called "Pickle Pickle." In order to play Pickle Pickle, you need at least two players. One person calls out, "pickle pickle ________!" And in the blank, you fill in something that you see. Anything. Example: "Pickle Pickle Tree!" (So, "pickle pickle ____" is a substitute for "I see a ____!").

And then the other player says pickle pickle and says something that they see. But you can't say something that has already been said. So, Player #2 would say, "Pickle Pickle Car!"

And this goes on and on. But the trick is that nothing can be repeated. It is difficult in the car because you only see so much on the highway. We would play Pickle Pickle for HOURS and HOURS. I thought it was so fun. Now that I'm an adult I'm not sure how much fun Poppa had but he was a good sport and made it fun for me. I have tried to play it with Mr. D but he gets bored with it.

You should definitely play Pickle Pickle and let me know how it goes!

So when I was deciding on a name for my blog design shop I wanted to make sure it was something unique and special. Pickle Pickle came to mind, and I thought,

Pickle Pickle Cute Blogs!

I hope the story of Pickle Pickle makes sense.